Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Snake eyessss...

I made this for a special client of mine. She has been wanting a snake cuff slider and after receiving it, this is what she wrote me back and I quote:

"Janina! You won't believe what's been happening to me since I started wearing the snake cuff. I've been getting hit on left and right! I am not kidding! It's as if it has an ad out on me: WILD AND DANGEROUS, MUST TRY! Gosh, you should see the come-ons I've been getting...it's so flattering and really boosts my ego.
Thanks J!"

Disclaimer: it also helps that the owner of said cuff is strikingly gorgeous!
Now see what my jewellery can do to your love life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im sure your client is gorgeous, but that cuff is sooooo gorgeous!!!

im a snake as well!!!

j lo